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May 17, 2023

How to Stand Out in a Saturated Market: A Guide to Building Mindshare

Post By:
Nicole Mastrangelo
In-House Contributor
CoFounder | CEO
The Daily Drip
Guest Contributor:

Marketing research shows that most people have limited capacity for competitive brands in any one category. When it comes to soft drink brands, for example, only a handful may come to mind, with Coca-Cola likely at the top of your list.  But you couldn’t possibly name the more than 450 soft drink brands that exist within the U.S. market- most of which you would recognize if flashed an image of their brand logo. This phenomenon is called mindshare.

This concept of mindshare applies to any industry and as professionals, we should be seeking opportunities to build mindshare within our networks and databases every day.  In a saturated market, the goal is to increase mindshare and become the Coca-Cola of real estate, financial services, accounting, law, consulting, mortgage lending, business banking etc. in your market. You want to be top of the list, if not number one, when someone thinks about your industry or has a need for your services.  

When it comes to developing mindshare, we need a minimum of 36 marketing touchpoints over the course of a year to achieve Coca-Cola level mindshare. But the key to success is not limited to quantity. Achieving mindshare also lies in the quality and consistency of your messaging, as well as the alignment of your touchpoints. Let’s dive in.

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What is a touchpoint?

A touchpoint is any encounter someone has with you or your brand. Touchpoints can occur before, during or after purchasing or engaging with your product or service. Touchpoint marketing requires a high-level view of the customer journey and an intentional approach to creating positive and memorable experiences every step of the way. Touchpoint marketing can also apply to the “referral partner journey” and can be a powerful strategy for building your network of strategic allies.

Physical Touchpoints

Physical touchpoints are any physical interactions. Think events, networking, and meetings. As the world embraces in-person meetings again, consider the opportunity that lies within your workspace. Inviting clients, prospects, or networking partners to your office creates the opportunity to make a lasting impression. Personal mementos, family photos, and décor style can be powerful in fostering conversation and connection. Consider the format of the meeting and each opportunity to create a positive, memorable experience. Perhaps you can 10x this strategy by hosting an open house and inviting your network in to meet your team, tour your space, and learn about the processes that make your product or service unique. 

In-person meetings outside of the office present opportunities too. The simple act of selecting a meeting location can make a lasting impression. Does the person have a cuisine preference, a favorite restaurant or coffee shop? Is there a location that would be highly convenient for the other person or holds a special significance?  Why meet for coffee or lunch when you can meet at the driving range?! Is there a special event happening in the community? Perhaps you can invite him or her to join you as your guest.  All these approaches speak volumes about you and keep you front of mind.

Physical touchpoints are not limited to meetings and events. A thank you note, a referral gift, or a client welcome package are all physical touchpoint opportunities for you to make your own.

Digital Touchpoints

Digital touchpoints are any digital interactions. Social media posts, messages, emails, phone calls, newsletters, your website. These are all digital touchpoints with big opportunity.

The first step to optimizing digital touchpoints is maintaining an updated database and social platform.  If you have their contact information, they should be in your CRM and connected with you on social media as well. Without an audience, you have no one to talk to or engage with digitally!

Whether you’re writing a blog article, recording a podcast, filming a video, curating a newsletter, or writing a simple social media post, digital touchpoints are all about strategically communicating your expertise. By consistently sharing your expertise through high-value content like this, you will establish a strong association with the work you do. 

Don’t forget to share the relatable things too. Those are the things that foster trust, likeability, connection, and a strong brand that KEEP YOU TOP OF MIND! Do you have a hobby? Share it! Did you experience something fun or interesting? Share it! Are you involved in the community- serve on a board, member of an organization, volunteer for a charity? Share it! And watch the conversations flourish.

Last but not least, be SOCIAL on social media. This one seems obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people forget this critical step! We are so caught up in what we are saying that we forget to listen and acknowledge what others are posting. Just as you do with email, dedicate time daily to reading and responding to other people’s posts. Reshare when inspired. Participate in the dialogue and join in on the comments. Send a personal message for birthdays and milestones. Unclog the inbox- consider integrating your follow-ups and thank you’s on social media and you may be surprised at how much faster the response time can be! 

When it comes to developing mindshare, the key to success lies in the quality and consistency of your messaging, and the alignment of your touchpoints. Creating systems, processes, and habits to ensure consistency is half the battle. Once you’ve got that nailed down, you can focus on creative strategies to stand out and be remarkably you!