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January 6, 2023

Capricorn: A Guide to Living Your Best Life

Post By:
Patricia Alexis
In-House Contributor
The Daily Drip
Guest Contributor:

It’s your moment to shine, Capricorn! You share your birth sign with icons like Dolly Parton, Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton, and Betty White.

We’re kicking off the year basking in your sign’s ambitious glow-- the perfect time to set resolutions and think BIG! 2023 could spell success for hard-working Capricorns, but it won’t be without its setbacks and pitfalls. When the challenges inevitably come, will you be ready to take them by the horns?

Lucky for you, we’ve compiled your complete Capricorn guide to showing up as your best self throughout the year ahead. Let’s take a look at what you have in store.

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Symbol: Sea-Goat

Dates: December 22 - January 19

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Element: Earth

Lucky Numbers: 5, 6, 8, 13

Capricorns, you are a cardinal earth sign, making you a no-nonsense trailblazer. Unlike your fellow earth signs (Virgo and Taurus), you have a relentless fuel to your temperament. Far beyond traditional Taurean stubbornness or Virgo rationality, your practical drive makes you a force to be reckoned with. Organized and overachieving, you bring a unique determination to every undertaking.

Symbolized by the sea-goat, you are a headstrong leader capable of thriving in any given environment. You possess natural business sense and money management skills. To the untrained eye, your demeanor can appear cold; in reality, you keep a highly-curated and tight circle of friends to whom you are deeply loyal and supportive. You are responsible, vision-oriented, and a great listener.

With 2023 freshly upon us, you can expect the people and situations that are not meant for you to naturally fall away. This transition will clear your path, allowing you to stay the course in the direction you’re meant to be on. Keep working hard and accepting change as it comes-- it’s all working in your favor.

Capricorn and Career:

Capricorn, you’re used to being the hardest worker in the room, and you’re walking into a season where it all pays off. You can expect plenty of healthy challenges and exciting changes in the coming year, with ample opportunities for professional growth and advancement. Take time to invest in your professional relationships; this will benefit you as your leadership role evolves. This is a great time to successfully start a large business project or new venture.

Capricorn and Money:

2023 is set to be promising for Capricorns growing their wealth. Jupiter will move into your fourth house on April 22nd, so you can expect an increase in income by the time May rolls around! This year may present opportunities for international travel; aren’t you glad you’ve managed your savings wisely? You’ve worked hard, so play hard. Be sure to budget for exciting experiences! You won’t waste your hard-earned money-- we promise.

Capricorn and Personal Relationships:

Who doesn’t love a healthy dose of brutal honesty? (As it turns out, a lot of people.) The right people in your life will always appreciate the truth, Capricorn, but you would do well to package it in some bubble wrap. It’s not about sugar-coating, it’s about protecting your relationships! You don’t mean to come across as harsh or bitter, so be mindful of your delivery to avoid unintentionally hurting your loved ones.

Capricorn and Love: 

The status of your love life has potential to change in the coming months. For single Capricorns that may be feeling lonely in this season, trust that the timing of your life will allow the right connections at the right time. In other words: don’t jump into something new just because you’re bored. Single and committed Capricorns alike should lean into their realistic nature and let go of romantic idealizations. This will allow authentic connections to bloom, whether they’re existing or brand-new.

Capricorns, there’s nothing you can’t achieve when you set your mind to it. Use the momentum of the new year to cast a clear vision for the months ahead. With some great people in your corner, a strong head on your shoulders, and a magnetic mindset, 2023 is set to be your best year yet.