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May 8, 2024

Mastering the Balancing Act: The Journey of a Single Mom and Entrepreneur

Post By:
Michelle Caba
In-House Contributor
Founder | CEO
Fama Agency
Guest Contributor:

Being a single mom and entrepreneur is not for the weak. I haven’t seen, heard, or read anyone really speak about the experience. I'd like to delve into the journey that led me to entrepreneurship. Initially, I never envisioned myself as a divorced single mom navigating both motherhood and a career. Like many women, I had dreams of a long-lasting marriage and a “traditional” family life, but circumstances didn't align that way. When my son was just two years old, I found myself going through a divorce while juggling a demanding job that required extensive travel. By the time my son started school, I realized the importance of having a more structured schedule that allowed me to be more present for him.

I transitioned to a position with a more predictable routine, earning recognition and climbing the ranks within the company over the years. However, life threw a curveball in 2015 when my father, who resided in the Dominican Republic, fell ill. Both he and his hospitality business required my attention and care. Balancing his needs, the business’s demands, my corporate responsibilities, and single motherhood became incredibly challenging.

There were moments when my father's health took a turn for the worse, requiring sudden trips back and forth to the Dominican Republic, all while ensuring my then seven-year-old son's needs were met and my corporate responsibilities were met. While I continued to excel in my corporate role, the guilt of constantly not being available for my child weighed heavily on me. 

During this turbulent period, I came to a profound realization: I didn't want to beg for permission to prioritize my loved ones.

Having already dabbled in real estate investments since 2012 and possessing a natural inclination towards entrepreneurial ventures within the corporate world, I saw an opportunity amidst the chaos. 

In addition to an entrepreneurial spirit which served me well in a thriving career of corporate leadership, managing my father's business demonstrated my aptitude for entrepreneurship and prompted me to embrace a new chapter. I said goodbye to corporate life and immersed myself in entrepreneurship. After successfully building and selling several businesses, I transitioned into consulting- an opportunity for me to not only share my entrepreneurial expertise with other business owners, but to also align more closely with the lifestyle I envisioned as both an entrepreneur and a single mom. 

While the journey hasn't been without its trials, I've come to cherish the autonomy and flexibility business ownership affords me. There are 5 critical rituals I can't live without that help me navigate the complexities of these dual roles to ensure I am building a life on my terms and reflective of my values. If you’re a “mompreneur” (single or not!) these 5 rituals have been a gamechanger in establishing a lifestyle that allows YOU, your family, and your goals to coexist in harmony:

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1. Being intentional with my time is paramount. I utilize tools like to establish non-negotiable tasks, ensuring my calendar isn't overrun with back-to-back meetings. I've set a deliberate start time of 10 am for my workday, allowing me to prioritize quality mornings with my now teenage son and sending him off to school with love and care.

2. Establishing clear boundaries is truly the key to it all. Implementing a daily cutoff for business activities has been essential in maintaining balance. Time blocking has been crucial in ensuring my full presence for critical business activities as well as quality time with my son. I've dedicated time to implementing systems and processes that free me from getting caught up in the day-to-day details. Time blocking, systems and processes, and scaling efficiently all work to ensure that my days reflect my priorities: nurturing my relationship with my son while effectively developing my business. 

3. My morning rituals serve as the foundation for success in both roles. Before diving into the day's responsibilities, I devote 30 minutes to chanting and meditation, grounding myself for the challenges ahead. I then immerse myself in a book that nourishes my soul or expands my knowledge, savoring a calm cup of coffee while preparing mentally. This extends into my physical workout routine, ensuring I'm mentally and physically fortified to tackle the demands of my clients, strategic partnerships, my son, and even my furry baby, Paloma. I stay in gratitude by journaling about my progress and wins as a mother and entrepreneur. These rituals not only empower me to be the best version of myself but also enable me to effectively juggle the demands of entrepreneurship and single motherhood. By prioritizing self-care and intentional time management, I'm better equipped to navigate the world with resilience and grace. 

4. When it comes to networking, I prioritize quality interactions over quantity, limiting myself to two events per week. This allows me to strike a balance between growing my business and being fully present for my family (the ones I’m doing it all for!). While there are inevitably busy days and weeks where dinner plans may need to take a backseat, I navigate these challenges with flexibility and grace. Weekends are reserved for cherished family time, where we immerse ourselves in the beauty of our home state, Florida, creating lasting memories and exploring new adventures together. Our shared bucket lists are filled with exciting destinations and experiences, fueling our excitement for the journey ahead.

5. My son has become an integral part of my entrepreneurial journey, actively participating and contributing to each of my ventures and gaining invaluable insights into business and leadership from a young age. As a result, he's developed aspirations of his own in the world of business, a source of immense pride for me. Rarely do we live life in a vacuum- our work life impacts our home life, and vice versa. Integrating the two worlds and allowing my son to be a part of my business journey has proven to deepen our relationship and strengthen quality of communication, as well as dare us to dream bigger, together.

In essence, my experience as a single mom and entrepreneur has taught me the importance of priorities, setting boundaries and constructing routines that reflect those priorities, and embracing challenges with flexibility, resilience and determination in order to build a life on my terms and based on my values. While the path may not always be easy, the freedom and fulfillment it brings make it all worthwhile.