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July 8, 2021

Collaborative Divorce: The Team Approach

Post By:
Christine Vergari
In-House Contributor
Private Banker
J.P. Morgan
Guest Contributor:

​​There are still questions about what effect the pandemic has had on the health of marriages in America. At Bernstein, I am part of a dedicated team with the specific expertise to support individuals going through a separation process. Many times, I meet a client before they have made the decision to separate from their partner. Making this kind of a decision never comes lightly and there are a multitude of items to consider, from family and living arrangements to financial security.

​​In this month’s Leading the Way with Christine Vergari, my colleagues and I discuss Collaborative Divorce- what this process is, how it works, and who it is right for and why. I felt that highlighting this option and these accomplished and caring women would be both informative and timely. During our discussion, my colleagues talk about their specific roles in the Collaborative Divorce process and how having the right team of professionals can create better communication, collaboration and a healthy outcome to the separation process, while sharing some success stories.

Will the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic lead to more divorces? That question remains to be answered, but one of the options for those who decide to formally separate is through the 'team' approach in Collaborative Divorce.

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Click HERE for our comprehensive discussion on Collaborative Divorce. Click HERE to learn about the speakers.

If you have any questions about how to financially prepare before, during or after a separation, please feel free to contact me directly.